Learning and Development

Reinforce and Sustain

Discover the compelling advantages of myPractice, our exclusive Reinforce and Sustain Training program that empowers learners to confidently master the soft skills and behaviors learned in their training with “deliberate practice”.

Our Post Training Reinforcement Solution


myPractice goes beyond the initial learning experience and provides ongoing guidance, interactive resources, and support that solidifies new knowledge retention, sustains skills, and accelerates development. Harnessing the transformative power of “deliberate practice,” myPractice reinforces workplace training and ensures seamless mastery of new skills.



What Our Clients Say

“I have had many training sessions in my life and, for most, they just tick the box. But this was really beneficial. I got excellent feedback.”

“I really appreciate the coaching and feedback. I have a better understanding of what empathy sounds like, so thank you for the additional practice. I’ll definitely use this feedback with my team.”

“This was so realistic. The feedback was spot on. I wasn’t expecting the scenarios to be so accurate to what happens in my world.”

Why Work with Optimus SBR as Your Workplace Partner to Reinforce Training

Practice on Us, Not Your Customers 

Our expert Performance Coaches are uniquely positioned to reinforce training by providing nuanced feedback from the customer’s perspective. Learners gain valuable insight, actionable tips, and strategies to improve their interactions with their employees, leaders, and clients. When learners practice skills with our experts, they can make mistakes and learn from them, without impacting real clients.

Experiential and Realistic

myPractice employs a highly experiential and realistic learning process that is unsurpassed when it comes to reinforcing workplace training. Using real-world scenarios and challenges that are commonly faced in the workplace, our training program empowers employees with practical and relevant solutions that they can immediately apply to their day-to-day roles.

High Touch, Low Cost

myPractice reinforce training is an impactful, cost-effective, and efficient way to reinforce key concepts and techniques. In as little as 45 minutes, learners can engage in a virtual, individual, private training program with a qualified coachno expensive trips or wasted hours attending in-person training.

The Benefits of Reinforcing Workplace Training

  • Enhanced Business Results: Our post-training reinforcement program goes beyond theory to engaging learners in targeted real-world scenarios and deliberate practice that addresses the specific challenges and “pain points” employees face daily with leaders, team members, and clients. Our training reinforcement programs align with your organization’s business goals to ensure lasting and tangible business outcomes.
  • Strategic Insights: Our post-practice aggregated reporting provides strategic insights into team performance, identifies gaps, and offers the necessary guidance for continuous improvement.
  • More Practice, More Impact: As part of our reinforcing training solution, our “deliberate practice” methodology helps learners combat the forgetting curve to ensure that knowledge and skills gained from training programs have a lasting impact. In fact, studies reveal that actively applying newly acquired skills within 2 weeks of training can lead to an astounding 90% learning retention rate. In comparison, passive methods, such as listening and observing, yield only a 50% memory retention rate. Combining the right content with practice, reinforcement, and sustainment enables 3 times the benefit of traditional training.
  • Unbiased Feedback: With a neutral environment free from preconceived notions, judgments, or biases, our post-training reinforcement program enables learners to trust and engage more deeply in the learning process. Feedback from an impartial external coach enables employees to leave inhibitions behind and embrace the freedom to explore new talents and capabilities.
  • Psychologically Safe Practice: With our post-training reinforcement solution, participants can experiment with new skills, receive valuable feedback, and effectively implement coaching techniques in 100% safe and confidential training reinforcement sessions. Calls are not recorded, and no individual feedback is given; instead, aggregated data on the group's performance is provided.
  • Find Out More About Our Learning and Development Solutions